DST Systems, Inc.(NYSE:DST)公告四季度每股收益1.66美元,分析师预期1.53美元。该季收入为3.737亿美元,分析师预期3.948亿美元。 SS&C Technologies Results, order, filter 48 Jobs in Kansas City, MO Featured Jobs; Marketing Compliance Analyst, Financial Advisors. Kansas City, Missouri Leading cloud-based provider of financial services technology solutions. SS&C Technologies owns and maintains the best financial technology in the industry. DST Systems Inc is a provider of information processing and servicing solutions to the financial industry. Clients include asset-management firms, brokerages, retirement funds, and healthcare firms. The company operates three business segments: financial services, healthcare services, and customer communications. DST Systems Inc(usdst)股吧,股民朋友可以在这里畅所欲言,分析讨论股票名的最新动态。东方财富股吧,专业的股票论坛社区。
2005年04月12日新闻 国内财经 国际财经 产经动态 经营管理 原创互动 cbs. 证券要闻 股市及时雨 b股市场 股市及时雨 b股市场 It wasn’t so much a question of if the layoffs were coming. It was a question of when. DST Systems, one of the largest private employers in Kansas City — indeed, one of the great business success stories in the history of the city — had been acquired, in January, for $5.4 billion. The buyer was a Connecticut-based firm called SS&C. That 天津财经大学 硕士学位论文 中美无形资产会计问题比较研究 姓名:万翔 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:会计学 指导教师:田昆儒 20080501 内容摘要 无形资产是指由一定主体(企业等)拥有、没有实物形态、长期使用、预期能够带 来经济效益,并获得一定权利的资源。
[股票] 美国2月贸易赤字扩大至610.4亿美元创历史新高 (2005/04/12 23:59) [股票] gguax选股经:电力股的优势 (2005/04/12 23:58)[股票] 美国2月贸易赤字远高于 DST Systems, Inc. is a provider of strategic advisory, transformative technologies, and operations outsourcing. Relying on deep industry knowledge, critical infrastructure, and service excellence, DST helps companies master the escalating complexity of customer, business and regulatory requirements.
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Results, order, filter 48 Jobs in Kansas City, MO Featured Jobs; Marketing Compliance Analyst, Financial Advisors. Kansas City, Missouri